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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.Status barThe status bar along the bottom of a window plays different roles in different programs.However, acommon role is to display helpful information.For example, the status bar at the bottom of the WordPadwindow often displays the helpful message For Help, press F1 to let you know that help isavailable for the program.When you point to a toolbar button in WordPad, the status bar messagechanges to describe the purpose of that button.Tip Virtually any program you use will also offer a Help option in its menu bar, whichyou can choose to get help with that particular program.Like toolbars, a program s status bar is often optional.You can usually turn it on and off by choosingView ’! Status Bar from the program s menus.Document areaPrograms designed to help you create and edit things generally offer a large document area where yourwork appears.The document might be a photograph, drawing, spreadsheet, written text.whatever.Itall depends on what the specific program you re using at the moment is designed to do.We ll getdeeper into the concepts of working with documents in Chapter 3.For now, let s continue to look at toolsand techniques for managing open windows on your desktop.System menuThe System menu enables you to move, size, and close the window by using the keyboard rather thanthe mouse.You might find this handy if you do a lot of typing and prefer not to take your hands off thekeyboard to manage a window.To open the System menu, press Alt+Spacebar (hold down the Alt key,press and release the spacebar, and then release the Alt key) or click the System menu icon in theupper-left corner of the window.When the System menu is open, you can choose options in the usualmanner.Click the option you want.Alternatively, on the keyboard, type the underlined letter of theoption you want; for example, type the letter N to choose the Minimize option.page 28Windows XP BibleMoving a window without the title barAs mentioned earlier, you can move a window about the screen by dragging its title bar.(Unless thewindow is already maximized, in which case you need to shrink the window down a bit first.) Every nowand then, however, you might run into a situation where the title bar of the window isn t visible onscreen.This is often the case when some free Internet service places some irritating banner ad on your screenthat cannot be covered by any open windows.Not to fear, however; there is a solution.Even without being able to see the title bar, you can move thewindow by following these steps:1.Click anywhere on the window you want to move, just to make sure it s the active window(the one capable of accepting input from the keyboard).2.Press Alt+Spacebar to open that window s system menu.(Don t worry if you can t see thatmenu.)3.Type the letter M to choose Move from the system menu.4.Press the “! (down-arrow key) several times to move the window downward.If it doesn t work, it may be because the window is currently maximized and therefore cannot be moved.In that case, repeat Steps 1 and 2.Then type the letter R to choose Restore (thereby shrinking thewindow a bit).Then proceed with Steps 3 and 4.Arranging Open WindowsEssentially, no limit restricts the number of windows you can open on your desktop.You can stackwindows one atop the other, in exactly the same manner you can stack sheets of paper one atop theother on your real desk.And just like on your real desktop, you can quickly make a disorganized messof things.In Figure 2-6, for example, I have opened quite a few programs, including Solitaire, Calculator,WordPad, and Windows Explorer (which is deeply buried behind the other windows).This sectiondiscusses ways you can manage multiple windows on the desktop, starting with the important conceptof the active window.Figure 2-6: Several open windows stacked up on the Windows desktopTip The programs shown in Figure 2-6 are all Windows components programs thatcome with Windows XP.You can probably see Calculator, WordPad, and WindowsExplorer on the Accessories submenu in All Programs.Solitaire is usually foundunder All Programs ’! Games.You ll learn how to install and remove these optionalWindows components in Chapter 16.The active windowWhen you have two or more windows open on the desktop, only one window is the active window.Ifyou use the keyboard at all, it s important to know which of those windows is currently the activewindow, because that s the only window that can accept keyboard input.If I were to try to type text intothe WordPad document shown in Figure 2-6 right now, no text would appear in the window.Why?Because currently the Calculator program is in the active window, and only the program in the activewindow will respond to input from the keyboard.The problem is easily solved.Just click anywhere onWordPad s window to make it the active window, and start typing.page 29Windows XP BibleIf you look at the taskbar in Figure 2-6, you ll notice that it now contains four new buttons labeledWordPad Doc, Solitaire, Calculator, and My Computer (which actually represents the Windows Explorerprogram, as discussed later).The taskbar always displays a button for each running task that is,each open program on the desktop
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