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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.O.Box 3707 MS 20-89Seattle, WA 98124-2207USAPage 3 of 4Operations Manual Bulletin No.ILF2-9(R4), Dated April 1, 1999 (continued)Fax: (206) 662-7812Telex: 32-9430 Station 627SITA: SEABO7XPage 4 of 4Sect Name Section NameOperations Manual BulletinforInternational Lease Finance Corp.The Boeing CompanySeattle, Washington 98124-2207Number: ILF2-13(R2)Date: April 1, 1999Document Effectivity: D6-30151-425Subject: FUEL IN ENGINE OIL SYSTEMReason: To advise flight crews of the possibility of fuel entering the engine oilsystem.Revised for administrative purposes.Information in this bulletin is recommended by The Boeing Company, but may not be FAA approvedat the time of writing.In the event of conflict with the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM),the AFM shall supersede.The Boeing Company regards the information or procedures describedherein as having a direct or indirect bearing on the safe operation of this model airplane.THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE AND/OR INFORMATION IS EFFECTIVE UPON RECEIPTBackground InformationThere have been numerous reported events where engine oil has beencontaminated with fuel.Several of these events resulted in uncontained enginefailures in flight when a fire has occurred in the oil vent system shortly aftertakeoff.There are four points where fuel can leak into and contaminate the oil:1.Fuel/oil Heat Exchanger leakage.2.N1 Hydro Mechanical Sensor.3.Seal in the Fuel Control Unit.4.Fuel lines on the Fuel Control Unit being switched.GE Service Bulletin 72-648 has been issued to prevent uncontained enginefailures in the event a fire occurs in the oil vent system.Page 1 of 4Operations Manual Bulletin No.ILF2-13(R2), Dated April 1, 1999 (continued)Boeing previously advised internal leakage of fuel into the oil system should besuspected if the oil quantity indication was at or approaching 20 or more quartsafter engine start.However, since issue of the original bulletin, several operatorshave reported oil quantity indications of approximately 21 quarts after engine startwhich, when investigated, were not due to fuel/oil contamination.The increase inoil quantity was due to a slight over-servicing, oil expansion due to temperatureincrease, or an increase in scavenge efficiency with the engine at idle.For thesereasons, the oil quantity check after engine start has been increased to 22 quarts(21 liters).Information from these events has shown inconsistent indications for fuel in theoil system which cannot provide a sound basis for in-flight crew procedures.Sinceflight crews do not continuously monitor oil system indications, changes in oilsystem parameters may not be noticed.However, if the oil quantity is observed tobe increasing during steady state operation or if at any time during engineoperation the oil quantity indication is at or approaching 21 liters or more, internalleakage of fuel into the oil system should be suspected.This condition should beentered in the Flight Log for maintenance action prior to the next flight.The first cockpit indication of a fuel-contaminated oil system may be anincreasing or overfilled oil tank quantity.The rate of oil quantity increase dependson the severity of the fuel leak.Leaks are normally detected by maintenancepersonnel during required checks, or while investigating flight crew complaints ofincreasing oil quantity.An extreme overfilled condition may be accompanied byincreasing oil temperature, fluctuating or decreasing oil pressure, or fuel/oil fumesin the cabin.The Smoke Air Conditioning procedures was issued to handle smokeor fumes in the cabin.Additional maintenance checks have been implemented following servicing of oiltanks or after maintenance on the engine oil or fuel system to detect fuelcontamination of the oil.This results in more frequent checks of the oil system.Operating ProcedureSince data on at least one uncontained failure indicates the oil tank was overfilledat engine start, accomplish the following check until GE SB 72-648 isincorporated.At least 30 seconds after the engine reaches stabilized idle and prior to taxi:OIL QUANTITY.CHECKIf the oil quantity indicates 21 liters or more, maintenance investigation is requiredprior to takeoff.Page 2 of 4Operations Manual Bulletin No.ILF2-13(R2), Dated April 1, 1999 (continued)Administrative InformationInsert this bulletin behind the Bulletin Record page in Volume 1 of yourOperations Manual.Amend the Bulletin Record to show bulletin ILF2-13(R2) INEFFECT (IE).This Operations Manual Bulletin will be cancelled after Boeing is notified allaffected airplanes in your fleet have been modified by GE Service Bulletin 72-648.If you do not plan to modify all your airplanes and would like to have the contentsof this Bulletin incorporated in your Operations Manual, please advise Boeingaccordingly.Please send all correspondence regarding Operations ManualBulletin status to one of the following addresses:Mailing Address: Manager, Flight Technical Publications (747-400)Boeing Commercial Airplane GroupP.O.Box 3707 MS 20-89Seattle, WA 98124-2207USAFax: (206) 662-7812Telex: 32-9430 Station 627SITA: SEABO7XPage 3 of 4Operations Manual Bulletin No
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