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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.What is an important question to answer before installing ?A: What are the available IRQ's196: How long should you wait for the CRT to discharge before opening the case?A: 60 minutes or more.197: What can be used to ensure your power supply is not interrupted?A: Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)198: When is the risk of ESD the greatest?A: During low humidity (Dry) and cold.temperatures.199: A user calls and says his PC was working fine yesterday but he turned on this morning and heis getting an error that reads "Invalid System Disk".What could be the problem?A: Floppy in drive A:200: What would it mean if you did not hear any beeps when you boot your computer?A: Bad or disconnected speaker.201: What is the cheapest way to access the Internet?A: Dial Up access202: If a monitor only displays blue or green, or combinations of blue and green, what is theproblem?A: The RED electron gun is broken.203: When you power up the monitor, it displays a 301 error code, what is the problem?A: Keyboard204: What type of output device should never be hooked up to a switch box?A: Laser printer205: Does it matter which lead of a voltmeter is connected to an AC circuit?A: No29206: Does shadowing normally occur in conventional or extended memory?A: Extended207: What does Full Duplex mean?A: Simultaneous Transmit and Receive208: Do PCI cards need IRQs?A: No.PCI cards don't use IRQs, they use "Interrupt Levels", numbered A,B,C and D.209: If the output from the power supply drops from +12 Volts to +11.3 Volts, what should you do?A: Nothing, a slight power drop or increase is acceptable.210: The resolution of a monitor will always ultimately be determined by what?A: The number of triads211: What is the correct handshake signals used in serial data transfers?A: Data Terminal Ready and Data Set Ready (DTR/DSR)212: How many DMA channels are on a 16-bit ISA system?A: 8213: What is the maximum length for a narrow, slow, SCSI-2 chain?A: 20 ft.214: What is the first step to be performed after installing a new blank hard drive?A: Partition the hard drive.215: What product must you use to clean the rubber rollers on a printer?A: Denatured Alcohol216: What type of connection ports do most modems have?A: RJ-11217: In the AT type PCs, the system BIOS is most commonly located where in memory?A: The 64K just below address FFFFF.218: In Inkjet technology, the droplets of ink are deflected towards the paper by what?A: Electrically charged plates219: External modems are usually connected to which type of ports?30A: Serial220: What does EMI stand for?A: Electromagnetic Interference221: If a laser printer keeps grabbing more than one sheet of paper at a time, the problem is mostlikely?A: Paper has picked up too much moisture.222: What are the 3 types of modem transmission protocols?A: XmodemYmodemZmodem223: If the characters printed on a dot matrix appear chopped off at the top, what is the likelyproblem?A: Misaligned printhead224: How many 72 pin SIMMs are needed to make a bank on a Pentium PC?A: 2225: What is the most popular type of modem protocol?A: Zmodem226: Will you ever find ISA slots on a laptop PC?A: No227: What does the term MODEM stand for?A: Modulator Demodulator228: What is the fasted type of expansion bus?A: PCI229: Most Pentium CPUs run on what voltage?A: 3.3 Volts230: You have just replaced the toner cartridge in a laser printer.The first few sheets come outsmudged.What should you do to fix this?A: Run a few blank sheets trough until smudging stops.231: What 2 types of ports can a mouse use?A: PS/2Serial31232: How many logical drives can an EIDE hard disk be divided into?A: 24233: A laser printer generates a totally black sheet.What could cause this?A: No power to the primary corona234: The distance between two adjacent phosphors of the same color on the CRT screen is knownas?A: Dot pitch235: How often should you clean a CD-ROM laser?A: Never touch the laser in a CD-ROM236: The decimal equivalent of the binary number 0111 is?A: 7237: When you send print to your laser printer, the sheets come out blank.What is most likely thecause?A: No power to the transfer corona.238: When testing household current, you should read how many volts between the neutral and theground?A: 0239: What IRQ does LPT2 use?A: 5240: You boot a computer and get the message No ROM basic, system halted
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