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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.Feelfree to adapt the wording.Instead of "MightyOnes of the South," you might say166"Spirit of Fire" or "Red Lion of the Desert" or"Lady Brigid, Keeper of the Flame," and so on.17.Opening the circle: walk widdershins(counter-clockwise) with your athame pointed atthe line you traced earlier, and visualize theflames or light fading, or being sucked back intoyour athame.You have returned to ordinary spaceand time, and may confirm this by saying: 'Thecircle is open but unbroken blessed be!"18.Acting in accord means taking actionon the material plane, or in "mundane reality," tosupport the magick done within the circle/on otherplanes.Do not just sit back and wait for results todrop into your lap.Magick is an adjunct to the restof your life, not a replacement for it.If you didmagick to physically heal yourself, support it withherbal medicines, proper nutrition, exercises,sunlight and so on.If you did magick to expressyourself more clearly and assertively, then placeyourself in situations where such abilities will bedemanded, and practice what you will saybeforehand.If the magick was to strengthen yourrelationship with the natural world, then gocamping, learn to identify birds, or photographanimals in the wild.Younger Self and High Selfwill help in any worthy endeavor, but they can'tbe expected to do all the work.You are still thechannel through which the magick manifests.167A Sample RitualLet us suppose that you are wrestling witha problem such as addiction to alcohol (though thefollowing material could easily be adapted to anyaddiction or excess food, candy, tobacco,caffeine, etc.).You ask for counsel through theTarot, and both The Magician and Temperancecome up.It seems clear that magick can help you,so you design a ritual for abstention.During a waning Moon, prepare a Satur-nian talisman.Saturn is the God (and planet) ofdiscipline, limitation and learning.In a smallsquare of black cloth, place a piece of black jade,black onyx or obsidian.Add any combination ofSaturnian herbs such as cypress, Balm of Gilead,comfrey, fern, henbane, High John the Con-querer, ivy, mullein, pansy, slippery elm,Solomon's Seal, or even asafoetida (if you canstand the odor).Stitch the planetary sigil or as-trological symbol of Saturn in violet thread on thebag; gather and tie with the same kind of thread.Obtain an amethyst in a silver mounting asa pendant which can be worn on a cord or silverchain.It need not be an expensive cabochon orfaceted jewel; a rough amethyst, or a baroquepolished one, will do as well, though it shouldhave a deep purple color.If you will be working indoors, decorateyour altar and temple in black, with purple or168violet candles.Outdoors, use a black altar cloth ora flat stone on the ground.In addition to yourusual tools, place your talisman, the pendant, andan inverted wine glass or shot glass on the altar.At the dark of the Moon, asperge the areaand cast the circle.Alert and call the Quarters.Invoke the Goddess Hecate, "Wise Crone, Mis-tress of Magick, Lady of the Dark Moon, Guardi-an of the Crossroads," that She may be presentand lend Her power at this crossroads in your life.Then invoke Saturn, "God of Boundaries, Limitsand Discipline, Lord of Higher Learning," that Hemay teach you wisdom and restraint.Tell Them why you have invoked Them.Sit.Ground, center and clear.Meditate onthe ways you have permitted alcohol to changeyour life, and on what your life could be likewithout the addiction.Raise power, by drumming and chantingin low but intense tones:169"By fallen leaf and Powers fey,I call the Name-of Hecate:Make strong my will to stay my hand,As I abstain from alcohol!"You may wear the pendant and hold thetalisman in your lap as you chant and drum.Whenthe power peaks, pick up the talisman and channelthe energy into it.Earth the excess energy.Then meditate on atime when you were able to abstain, hold back, andresist temptation to drink, and when something elseseemed so important to you that you successfullyfocused your attention on that, rather than on thedrink.Relive the experience vividly; re-experiencethe feelings strongly.When they are clear andpowerful, grip the amethyst pendant in a strong,firm grasp.Do this sequence nine times, and eachtime work for greater vividness and depth.Rest awhile and imagine your new future,free of your addiction.Plan the ways in which youwill enlist the help of family, friends and or-ganizations that is, the ways you will "act inaccord" with the magick you have performed.Thank Saturn and Hecate, and the powers ofthe Quarters, and uncast the circle.Place thetalisman under your pillow.Wear the amethyst allday each day; if you are tempted, reach up and graspit in exactly the same way you did at the ritual.Sayin your mind, "In Hecate's Name, NO!" Theninstantly turn your mind to some-170thing else, preferably something absorbing, de-manding or challenging.Later you may take amoment to reflect on how well the magick worked,and to congratulate yourself on passing temptationby.It should be noted that I selected Deities toinvoke Who will be effective for modern Pagans,that is, adherents of Nature-oriented religions.Readers of other faiths could perform this magickby substituting their own names and images ofDeity, preferably those aspects which focus onwisdom and self-control.Again it should be stressed that the ritualalone is not sufficient: you should also considerchanging your diet to low-sugar forms of nutrition(an "anti-yeast" diet), changing your recreation andsocial patterns, and possibly joining a supportgroup.Hypnotic suggestion by a trainedprofessional may also be helpful.Remember, themagick must not end with the ritual: you mustprovide a vehicle for it to manifest in the everydayworld
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