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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.4.If you compete in a Warrior-like event, be sure to include two or threedays per week of anaerobic conditioning in your routine.5.Balance intense training days with lighter days.6.Mix distance work and sustained running during aerobic roadworksessions.7.Do not run the same distance each day.8.Fartlek is a great variation to interval training.9.Incorporate variety into your routine.Do not perform the same exerciseseach week.There are several exercises to choose from.Incorporate awide range of exercises into your routine.10.Add variety to your conditioning routine.Anaerobic training can beperformed on the road or with numerous drills such as the Minute Drill orWarrior Madness training.11.Change the exercises used in your Minute Drill routines.17512.Include exercises that involve your entire body.Examples includeDivebomber Pushups, Handstand Pushups, and Squats.13.Pattern your training in a way that closely resembles competition.If youfight at an intense pace, you must train at this pace.14.If you compete in a skill sport such as boxing, wrestling, or karate, be sureto balance your conditioning with skill development.Proper conditioningis only one portion of the overall equation.15.Include chin-ups and pull-ups in your routine.16.Do not perform the same style of training each day.For example, do notalways perform repetitions to failure.Balance strength and endurancetraining with explosive power development.17.Perform balance training and kinesthetic awareness training.18.Do not throw your hard work away with a poor nutritional plan.Usenutrition to enhance your performance, not hinder it.19.Be open-minded with your training.Consider new ideas and experimentwith different systems.There is no such thing as a perfect routine.Yourroutine should be continually tweaked and modified.20.Put past failures or excuses to rest.Each day supplies the opportunity toreinvent yourself.Today is YOUR day.Live your life without regretsabout what could have been.Make things happen.The Warrior s Way"We know how rough the road will be, how heavy here the load will be, we knowabout the barricades that wait along the track but we have set our soul aheadand nothing left from hell to sky shall ever turn us back." - Vince Lombardi When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target. Man often becomes what he believes himself to be.If I keep on saying to myselfthat I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becomingincapable of doing it.On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shallsurely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.Mahatma Gandhi176THE WARRIOR S TEST500 BODYWEIGHT SQUATS100 PUSHUPS20 PULL-UPS15 ONE LEGGED SQUATS PER LEG50 FINGER PUSHUPS15 HANDSTAND PUSHUPS5-MINUTE PLANKIf you can pass this test, you can accomplish anything in life.Never settle, go for the gusto&177A FINAL WORD&With this training manual, I have provided you with several exercises,conditioning drills, and routines.I encourage you to review all of the exercises.Remember the famous words that variety is the spice of life.Do not perform thesame exercises and routines each workout.Mix things up, be creative, thinkoutside the box.My experience and observations tell me that the majority of athletes stick with thesame routines.They are unwilling to expand their repertoire of exerciseselection.You must realize that you are limiting your potential by neglectingexercise variety.Always keep your muscles guessing.Learn to shock yourmuscles in different ways.You should make your quest for optimal fitness a lifelong mission.You mustcontinually search for new ways to improve your condition.Experiment and useyour brain.Too many athletes today wish to be spoon-fed, rather than think forthemselves.You must exercise your mind as well as your body if you truly wishto be successful (in competition and in life).As mentioned before, the routines in this book are very strenuous.Theconditioning drills are going to challenge you.There is no question about that.These routines are designed to challenge you physically and mentally.There will be mornings when you are sprinting the roads while the rest of theworld sleeps.Your legs will fatigue as your wind runs short.It is at this point intime that you will determine how bad you wish to succeed.It is very easy to stoprunning, to turn around, and return home.ANYONE can stop, only a select few will continue to work through the fatigue.Only a select few will ever become the best.I do not wish to make these statements to discourage you or offend anyone.Iam just stating the facts.I want you to read these words and ask yourself thequestion, How bad do I want it?I cannot answer this question for you.No one can but you.There will be dayswhen you lack motivation, this is no reason to quit.We all go through ups anddowns.Real champions persevere through hard times.Real champions neverquit.Real champions overcome obstacles to become the best.Whether you compete in an organized sport or not, you owe it to yourself to bethe best that you can be.You can either view the glass as half empty of half full.You only have one chance to live your life.Live your life with energy.Live your178life without regrets.If you have goals (and you should), go after them withrelentless desire.Never settle for mediocrity.Live your life by following the concept of CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.Remember that the best is a moving target.Keep yourself heading in the rightdirection
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