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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.Connector 205SELECTED CONNECTOR TYPESaTYPE DESCRIPTIONbBNC (bayonet Slide together and then lock into place.Ethernet networks with thin coaxial cable usenut connector) BNC connectors.A variant on the standard BNC connector is used for twinaxialccable.BNC connectors can survive many matings.dTNC (threaded Similar to BNC in construction, except that TNC has threads instead of notches, whichnut connector) create tighter connections.eN-series Similar to TNC, except that the barrel is somewhat fatter and the plug is somewhat thinner.fN-series connectors are used with thick coaxial cable in thick Ethernet networks.N-seriesconnections are quite tight.gCentronics Use teeth that snap into place.The printer end of a parallel PC-printer connection usuallyhhas this type of connector.IEEE-488 interfaces also use Centronics connectors.The termTelco-type is also used to describe certain Centronics connectors.iD-type One of the three classes of connectors that use pins and sockets to establish contactjbetween the elements involved.These are so named because the frame around the pinsand sockets that make up the connection resembles a D.The connectors for the serial andkparallel ports on most PCs use D connectors.lV.35 and M.50 Also use pins and sockets, but they are arranged somewhat differently than for the D-typeconnectors.V.35 connectors have more rectangular frames.mDIN Round, but also use pins and sockets.The keyboard connector on most PCs is a DINnconnector, as are two of the connectors used for LocalTalk networks.oRJ-xx Connect by catching and locking a plug in place with an overhanging element in the jackconnector.RJ-xx, or modular, connectors are used in telephone connections and also withptwisted-pair cable in networks.Connector versions differ in the number of line pairs theyqsupport, e.g., RJ-11 connectors support two pairs; RJ-45 connectors support up to fourpairs.A variant on this type is the MMJ (for modified modular jack) connector, which isrused in some DEC networks.sIBM Data A specially designed connector used in IBM Token Ring networks.The connector has asomewhat intricate connection mechanism that can short-circuit when disconnected, sotthat the network can preserve its structure even when nodes drop out.uvwxyz206 Connector, AUI (Attachment Unit Interface)These connection classes are all used The figure An AUI connector shows anfor electrical cable.Several of the same con- example.nection principles also apply to fiber-optic The connection mechanism is thecable.Numerous types of fiber-optic connec- D-type pin and socket, just as for the RS-tors exist, as discussed in the Connector, 232 connectors found on most computers.Fiber-Optic article.In addition, an AUI connector includesa (sometimes fragile) slide mechanismConnector Mating and Insertion Lossthat can lock the connection into place.Attaching two connectors to each otherAN AUI CONNECTORis known as mating.Because they involvephysical parts and are subject to wear andtear, connectors become less effective as theygo through more matings.Because this canlead to increased signal degradation, yourchoice of connectors may depend on howoften you expect to connect and disconnectnetwork segments.Another factor to consider is insertionloss.The signal will undergo a certainamount of loss and distortion at a con-nection point.This insertion loss will beexpressed in decibels (dB).For electricalconnections, this value can be 15 dB andmore; for fiber-optic cable, this value willgenerally be less than 1 dB.SEE ALSOConnector, AUI; Connector, BNC;Connector, Fiber-OpticConnector, BarrelA connector used to link two pieces of iden-Connector, AUI (Attachmenttical cable, such as thin or thick coaxialUnit Interface)cable.The name comes from the connector sAn AUI connector is a 15-pin, D-type con-shape.BNC barrel connectors link thinnector that is used in some Ethernet connec-coaxial cable; N-series connectors link thicktions.Typically, it is used to connect a dropcoaxial.cable to a network interface card (NIC).This type of connector is also known as aDIX (for Digital, Intel, Xerox) connector.Connector, D-4 207Elbow connector: A BNC connector withaConnector, BNCa right angle in it, for use in corners orin other locations where the cablingA BNC connector is used with coaxialbneeds to change direction.cable in thin Ethernet networks, in somecARCnet networks, and for some video mon-T-connector: Connects a network nodeitors.Its name may come from Bayonet-to the cable segment.The T-connector dNeill-Concelnan, for its developers; fromusually has female connections at eachebayonet nut connector, for its attachmentend and a male BNC connection form-mechanism; or from bayonet navy connec-ing the descender in the T.A networkftor, for one of its early uses
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