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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.You probably already know many of these techniques, but here we ll present alternativemethods.You might find that there is a better, or faster, way to do something you do fre-quently.If there s one thing Excel has a lot of, it s alternatives.Moving AroundYou already know how to use scroll bars and the Page Up and Page Down keys.There aremany other ways to get around, including some unique tricks you ll find only in Excel.Navigating RegionsA region is a range of cell entries bounded by blank cells or column and row headings.InFigure 5-1, the range A3:E7 is a region, as are the ranges G3:H7, A9:E10, and G9:H10.(Strictly speaking, cell A1 is also a region because there are no adjoining cells containingentries.) For example, cell E7 is within a region, even though it s empty.The active area is arectangle that encompasses all regions that is, all the filled cells in the active worksheet.The techniques used to navigate regions are especially helpful if you typically work with largetables of data.Getting to the bottom row of a 500-row table is easier when you don t have touse the scroll bars.Read on to find out how.101Part 2: Building WorksheetsMicrosoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Outf05ie01Figure 5-1.The four blocks of cells on this worksheet are separate regions.Note The small square in the lower-right corner of the active cell is called the Fill handle.If the Fill handle isn t visible on your screen, it means that the Allow Cell Drag And Dropoption, which is necessary for region navigation to work, isn t available.Choose Tools,Options, click the Edit tab, and select Allow Cell Drag And Drop.Note You can find the sample file used in this example, Regional Sales.xls, on the book scompanion CD.Navigating Regions with the KeyboardTo move between the edges of regions, hold down the Ctrl key while pressing any of the arrowkeys.For example, in Figure 5-1, cell A3 is the active cell; press Ctrl+Right Arrow to activatecell E3.If a blank cell is active when you press Ctrl and an arrow key, Excel moves to the first filled cellin that direction or to the last available cell in the worksheet if there are no filled cells in thatdirection.In Figure 5-1, for example, suppose cell F3 is active; if you press Ctrl+Right Arrow,the selection moves to cell G3.Navigating Regions with the MouseWhen you move the mouse pointer over the edge of the active cell s border, the pointerchanges from a plus sign to an arrow.With the arrow pointer visible, you can double-clickany edge of the border to change the active cell to the cell on the edge of the current region inthat direction it is the same as pressing Ctrl and an arrow key in that direction.For exam-ple, if you double-click the bottom edge of the active cell in Figure 5-1, Excel selects cell A7.The right side of the status bar displays the indicators in Table 5-1 when the correspondingmode is active.102Part 2: Building WorksheetsChapter 5Part 1: Part TitleHow to Work a WorksheetTable 5-1.Keyboard Mode CodesCode DescriptionEXT Extend mode.Press F8 to turn on the Extend mode, which you can use to extendthe current selection using the keyboard.(Make sure Scroll Lock is turned off.) Thisis a keyboard equivalent of selecting cells by dragging the mouse.Furthermore,unlike holding down the Shift key and pressing an arrow key, you can extend therange by pressing only one key at a time.Press F8 again to turn off Extend mode.ADDAdd mode.Press Shift+F8 to add more cells to the current selection using thekeyboard.The cells need not be adjacent; after pressing Shift+F8, click any cellor drag through any range to add it to the selection.This is the keyboard equiva-lent of holding down Ctrl and selecting additional cells with the mouse.NUMNum Lock mode.This mode is on by default and locks the keypad in numeric-entry mode.To turn off Num Lock mode, press the Num Lock key.FIXFixed Decimal mode.Choose Tools, Options, click the Edit tab, and selectFixed Decimal to add a decimal point to the numeric entries in the currentselection.Excel places the decimal point in the location you specify in thePlaces box.For example, when you turn on Fixed Decimal mode, specify twodecimal places, and enter the number 12345 in a cell, the value 123.45appears in the cell after you press Enter.Existing cell entries are not affectedunless you edit them.To turn off Fixed Decimal mode, return to the Edit tab ofthe Options dialog box and clear the Fixed Decimal option.CAPSCaps Lock mode.Press the Caps Lock key to enter typed text in capital let-ters.Number and symbol keys are not affected.To turn off Caps Lock mode,press the Caps Lock key again.SCRLScroll Lock mode.Press Scroll Lock to use the Page Up, Page Down, and arrowkeys to move the viewed portion of the window without moving the active cell.When Scroll Lock mode is off, the active cell moves one page at a time when youpress Page Up or Page Down, or one cell at a time when you press one of thearrow keys.To turn off Scroll Lock mode, press the Scroll Lock key again.ENDEnd mode.Press the End key and then press an arrow key to move the selectionto the edge of the region in that direction, or to the last worksheet cell in that direc-tion
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