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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.) There are a lot of validsubscribed easily by typing in their email address.reasons for bounces, such as a mailbox being full, so onecan not assume an address that bounced is no longer But a problem arose immediately.It stemmed fromgood.For example, AOL choked one day and sent back ListBot's demand that subscribers enter a password tosome thirty copies of the newsletter! unsubscribe.Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? Itbackfired on me in two ways.I never did figure a best-way to deal with bounces.What I settled for was resending the following day with the First, they send a subscriber his or her forgottensubject as Second Try.Note this list was subscribed to by a password by auto-responder, which usually arrived in lesslot of young people and curiosity seekers, so there were than a minute.But this didn't work with AOL subscribers.Atlots of changes and lots of bounces from addresses least at that time, email to AOL was commonly delayedcanceled.several hours.Impatient subscribers wrote not-nice notesdemanding I solve the problem.BACK NEXTCONTENTS ¤ CHAPTER ¤ APPENDICESI did not like the notes.And it would have been easier to Not much later, I gave up on ListBot.The passworddeal with them on my own system, than to trot off to ListBot.bit had proved to be a killer.If I could have figured a wayaround this problem, I would still be using their service, forSecond, a lot of my subscribers used email addressesit was excellent in all other respects.Instead, I went back toconnected to the firm at which they worked.When andealing with them myself and grit my teeth regards the timeemployee left the company, I got email demanding removal,it was taking to maintain my list.Again, this was a list thatfor of course they could not know what the password was.changed frequently.With a more stable list such as the oneUnfortunately, it often required waiting for anotherfor "STAT News," this is not much of a problem for therenewsletter in order to find the correct email address.are few unsubscribes and even fewer bad addresses.On one such occasion, I got an angry call from aAbout a month later, I read a terrific article: "Reviewfellow who claimed to be the owner of a company.HeOf Free Mailing List Programs" by Dr.Ralph F.Wilson, Hedemanded I simply search on his company URL.While stillidentified four free emailing services and put all throughon the phone, I checked my parallel list and got nine hits.Isome very thorough tests.They were.explained I did not know which one to delete.eGROUPS - Egroups.ComHe flat wigged out and demanded I delete them all!ONEList - OneList.ComNo way were his employees going to waste their time andTOPICA - Topica.Comhis resources.His vocabulary was colorful and there wasLISTBOT - ListBot.Commuch talk of law suits.A real fun time.BACK NEXTCONTENTS ¤ CHAPTER ¤ APPENDICESWilson's basic interest seemed to lie in open and This led to a second problem.I wrote to each asking ifmoderated discussion lists, but his comments apply as well the password field could be omitted.The answer was no,to a newsletter such as "STAT News" (an announcement which was not surprising, for ListBot had already told melist).If you need further information, be sure to read his this.What was surprising was that it took several days toarticle.The following is a link to an excellent table get a reply.The answers to follow up questions were alsocomparing these four services.slow in coming.wilsonweb.com/reviews/list-compare.htmBottom Line: I like the support from ListBot.And whenFrom this page, you can click back to the article itself.you are just getting started, you need lots of help.ListBotwas excellent in this regard.If you do not feel passwordsAs Wilson points out, none of them are truly free, forwill be a problem for you, I recommend ListBot.However,they add an advertisement to the bottom of each copy ofI'm sure the other services do an excellent job.Readingyour newsletter.At present, Topica has an option to omit it,Wilson's article will likely bring you to the same conclusion.but this will change.ListBot has not implemented it as yet,but is expected to do so soon.In any case, for $60-$80 aUPDATE: Since the above was written, anotheryear, you can buy ad-free service.requirement has been added.Subscribers must confirmtheir request to join by replying to an email message.WhenThe few things Wilson found as flaws were of noI tried this with my current mailing service, many did notconcern to me.And my list was still growing, taking everreply to the request, thus were not added to the mailing list.greater chunks of time.So I checked, then rechecked.AllI canceled this quickly, for I want a new subscriber to see aappeared to solve the bounce problem well enough.Allcopy of the newsletter.archive your newsletter.I was ready to try one.Then Ifound it required a password.Upon a closer look, allrequired one.BACK NEXTCONTENTS ¤ CHAPTER ¤ APPENDICESChapter 7Odds And EndsGood ideas that did not seem to fit into a category above.Cherish Fear - Harness your fears, then give them freerein.If you listen closely, you can learn.Criticism Is Gold! - There is little to be learned from nicethings said.Criticism is another matter.Give Away Gross For Increased Profits - You canincrease profits by letting others sell it for you.Writing Skills Matter - Website content is communicatedwith words.Use them wisely.BACK NEXTCONTENTS ¤ CHAPTER ¤ APPENDICESWant Site; Can't Write! - There are simple ways to growyour skills to a surprising degree.I Hate Writing - If it's so, it's probably because you don't doit well.But you must.Does Your Email Look Like Junk? - You can't afford to letyour email look like the junk mail received.Email: Do It Right! - What is needed in responding toemail is to turn queries into orders.BACK NEXTCONTENTS ¤ CHAPTER ¤ APPENDICESand frowns.Their ernest or frivolous dialog.Listen to theirCherish Fearchuckles and laughter.Are they really watching you? Dothey even know you are in the room? Would anyone noticeMany argue it's best to overcome fears, to put them inif you did do whatever? The answer is no.But cling to suchtheir place, so to speak.For me, that place is right out frontquestions until irrational fears are laid aside.They block ourwhere I can meet them head on.Embrace them even.way, slow our pace, and add uncertainties, none of which ishelpful.It's fear that keeps us from coming too close to theedge of a precipice or climbing too high in a tree.InBut rational fear is useful.Harness it, then give it freebusiness, it points out the pitfalls ahead and allows us torein.Listen to what it tells you.Evaluate.Are you too closeplan a way to avoid them.to the edge of the cliff? Back away.If it is only of goblins inthe night it speaks, say the words right out loud, "Stuff andFear is of two kinds.Rational and irrational.It isnonsense!"rational (sensible) to avoid falling off a cliff.It is irrational(nonsense) to believe all the people in the crowded roomBuilding a business online or offline is fraught withare watching you.Expecting you to do something naughty,fear.Listen to what it says.Lean closer if the voice is toomaybe.faint.It will help you foresee a great deal of the future, ofproblems that may beset you, and barriers that may needTo the degree possible, crush irrational fear.Meet itto be overcome.It is unlikely all of this will come to pass,head on.Why do you feel everyone is watching you? Lookbut think of the added confidence gained in being preparedabout at those around you.Study their faces
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