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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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./Perhaps some thief? had already stolen/ whatever else had been inside./ On receipt of thenews,/ given us by an eye-witness,/ that our side had won the battle,/ there was greatrejoicing/ in the streets./1 scratched the back of my head,/ and fancied that some kind oftrick/ must have been employed/ in order to have got the licence,/ and so began to makeenquiries/ which I knew might be rather risky/ and lead to trouble.LESSON 153STIFF WORK PASTE REFUSALsztywny, twardy praca, pracować pasta odmowaThe word "stiff* means "not easily bent", like a stiff piece of wire, or a stiff neck fromreading too long; or it can mean "not easily worked", like a stiff paste.We can alsouse the word figuratively.For example, "The man had a stiff manner".WHAT DOES THE WORD "STIFF" MEAN ? - AND GIVE ME SOMEEXAMPLES.The word."not easily.".For example, a stiff arm,a stiff piece of card, a stiff refusal.1020 ASTONISH zadziwiać, zdumiewaćWHAT DO PEOPLE SAY AND DO WHEN THEY ARE ASTONISHED ?/When people are astonished, they open their eyes, and perhaps their mouths,wide, raise their hands and say something like "Good heavens!"BOUND granica, OUT OF BOUNDS BOUNDARYodbić się, ograniczyć zakaz przekraczania granica/granicznyIS SPAIN BOUNDED ON ALL SIDES BY THE SEA ? No, Spain isn't.but a lot of it isWHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN WE SEE A SIGN SAYING "OUT OFBOUNDS" ? When we see a.it means it is forbidden to go beyond that point.HOW DOES ONE GENERALLY MARK THE BOUNDARY OF ONE'SPROPERTY ?/ One generally marks.with a boundary-wall, fence, hedge etc.BEE STING - STUNG - STUNG SENSATION SLAPpszczoła użądlić uczucie klaps, dawać klapsaIODINE jodynaWHAT'S A BEE LIKELY TO DO IF IT LANDS ON YOU WHILST YOU'RESUNBATHING AND YOU DISTURB IT ? If a bee lands on you whilst.it's likely to sting you1021 WHAT'S THE PARADIGM OF THE VERB "TO STING"? The paradigm.sting-stung-stungFROM WHAT ELSE DO WE GET A STINGING SENSATION ?/ We get astinging sensation when someone slaps our face, or when we cut ourselvesand have to put some iodine on the cut to clean it.etc.CURL 2700 zwinąć, falować, lokWHAT DO WE CALL A PIECE OF HAIR THAT FORMS THE SHAPE OFA RING? We call a piece of hair that.a curlCAN SMOKE CURL UPWARDS WHEN THERE'S A STRONG WIND?No, smoke can't curl.WHY NOT ? Because the wind straightens the smoke out and sendsit flying across the sky.STORE dom handlowy, VARIETY TINNED FOOD/zapas, zaopatrywać różnorodność żywność w puszkachA store is a shop which sells a great variety of goods.It can either be a very large shopin the city, which sells food, clothes, furniture and almost anything you can think of;or it can be a shop in a village, which sells all sorts of articles that the people in thevillage might need - that is, anything from eggs to shoes.The word "store" is oftenused in the plural.1022 WHAT'S A STORE (OR STORES)? A store is a shop which sells a greatvariety of goods.It can either.The verb "to store" means to collect and keep for future use, whilst the noun "store"means a collection of something or other for future use./WHAT DOES THE VERB "TO STORE" MEAN ? The verb."to collect."AND THE NOUN? A collection of.DO YOU (OR YOUR MOTHER OR YOUR WIFE) KEEP A STORE OFTINNED FOOD AT HOME ? Yes, I keep a.or.No, I don't.ATTEMPT próba MOUNTAINEER góral, alpinista, taternikWAS MOUNT EVEREST CONQUERED AT THE FIRST ATTEMPT?/No.but many teams of mountaineers had attempted to climb itfor many years before it was finally conquered.BOW(n) BOW(v) BOW TIE RAINBOWłuk, smyczek kłaniać się, schylać się muszka (na szyję) tęcza1023 The noun "bow" and the verb "bow" are different in pronunciation.A "bow" (n) weuse for firing arrows, and to describe anything which is bow-shaped, such as a "bowtie" or a "rainbow"; whilst the word "bow" (v) means to bend the body into theshape of a "bow" (n), for example, when one bows before the king.WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "BOW" (n) AND "BOW" (v) ?/The difference.is that.for firing arrows.to bend the body.STOVE piec RUN ON tu: ogrzewaćA stove can either be used for heating or for cooking, and can run on gas, electricity orwood etc.WHAT DO WE USE A STOVE FOR, AND WHAT DO WE RUN IT ON ?We use a stove for.and we run.CURRENT prąd, bieżący, aktualnyThe word "current", apart from meaning the current of a river or of the sea, is alsoused with the meaning of current events, and current opinions etc.WHAT DOES THE WORD "CURRENT" MEAN ?/ The word "current", apart fiom.STRETCH wydłużyć, naprężyć, wyciągać się1024 The basic meaning of the word "stretch" is "extend".WHAT'S THE BASIC MEANING OF THE WORD "STRETCH" ? The basic
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