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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.and Mrs.F.to Number ,can novelist whose Vandover and the Brute (1914)May June 1934; The Crack-Up, p.51).Fitzger-influenced Fitzgerald s depiction of Anthony Patchald utilized material from this trip in One Tripin The Beautiful and Damned.In October 1920Abroad (October 1930).Fitzgerald wrote to H.L.MENCKEN proposing acollected edition of Norris s work (Correspondence,Nyon, Switzerland ZELDA FITZGERALD was app.69 70); Mencken offered to help, but Fitzger- patient at PRANGINS CLINIC in Nyon, June 1930ald s plan never developed further.(He was notSeptember 1931.OOak Hall Hotel Hotel in TRYON, North Caro- Ober began making editorial recommendations.lina, a resort town where Fitzgerald stayed for For example, he sent Fitzgerald a list of 29 sugges-a couple of weeks in February 1935.SCOTTIE tions for revisions in The Pearl and the Fur, anFITZGERALD stayed with her father s friends LEFTY unpublished story about Gwen Bowers (April 25,and NORA FLYNN in Tryon while he was at the 1936; As Ever, pp.265 267).hotel.Fitzgerald returned to Oak Hall in January When SCOTTIE FITZGERALD began to attend the1937 and remained there until his departure for Ethel Walker School in Simsbury, Connecticut, inHOLLYWOOD in July.1936, Ober and his wife, Anne, became her fos-ter parents, visiting her at school and welcomingOber, Harold (1881 1959) Fitzgerald s literary her to their home in Scarsdale during holidays.Onagent.On October 28, 1919, at the suggestion of September 4, 1938, Anne Ober wrote to FitzgeraldST.PAUL writer Grace Flandrau (d.1971), Fitzger- about Scottie: I know you think Harold and I spoilald sent a story typescript to the PAUL REVERE her, but so far Scottie trusts me and I think I haveREYNOLDS literary agency in NEW YORK, and in at least part of her confidence.It is an importantNovember he became the client of Ober, a part- relationship to me and while she may not real-ner in the agency who was responsible for new ize it, I think it is to Scottie too (As Ever, pp.or young clients.Fitzgerald had already contracted 368 369).(See Scottie s foreword to As Ever, Scottwith SCRIBNERS for This Side of Paradise, and he Fitz.) Taps at Reveille (1935) is dedicated to Har-continued to deal directly with Scribners about the old Ober.publication of his books; Ober handled magazine In the early 1920s Fitzgerald began to requestand movie sales, receiving a 10 percent commis- payment when he delivered a story to Ober, beforesion.In September 1929 Ober left the Reynolds it was sold to a magazine; the arrangement evolvedagency to open his own literary agency, which into a system whereby Ober advanced Fitzgeraldbecame Harold Ober Associates in 1949; Fitzgerald money against unwritten stories.By the summer ofwired: FOLLOWING YOU NATURALLY (Sep- 1936 Fitzgerald owed Ober $11,000.Ober, whosetember 24, 1929; Life in Letters, p.170; As Ever, p.business was suffering from the Depression and who147).Ober s clients eventually included William was concerned about educating his two sons, triedFaulkner (1897 1962), Catherine Drinker Bowen to convince Fitzgerald that he could not continue(1897 1973), and J.D.Salinger (b.1919).Ober to advance money, but Fitzgerald still sent desper-acted strictly as a middleman for the sale of Fitzger- ate requests for $50 or $100 when his bank accountald s stories until the mid-1930s, when Fitzgerald was overdrawn.Fitzgerald s financial dependencebegan to send him material that was unsalable and on Ober and editor MAXWELL PERKINS is depicted350O Conor, Bijou 351in Financing Finnegan (January 1938).In June this letter with, I hope, no touch of unpleasant-1937 Ober arranged for EDWIN KNOPF to interview ness simply from a feeling that perhaps you share,Fitzgerald, resulting in a six-month contract with that I have depended too long on backing and hadMGM.When Fitzgerald went to HOLLYWOOD, he better find out at the source whether my productsowed Ober $12,511.69, but he paid off both Ober are considered deficient and why (Life in Letters, p.and Perkins by the end of 1938.400; As Ever, p.402).In June 1939 Ober sent Fitzgerald his requested When Perkins offered to lend Fitzgerald $1,000$500 advance against his next story.Unwilling to later that year, Fitzgerald reflected: Max, you areresume the cycle of debt, Ober composed a firm so kind.When Harold withdrew from the question-letter explaining his inability to make further able honor of being my banker I felt completelyadvances, but he never mailed the letter (June 21, numb financially and I suddenly wondered what1939; As Ever, pp.393 395).On about July 3 Ober money was and where it came from.There hadrefused another advance, and Fitzgerald turned to always seemed a little more somewhere and nowPerkins for funds, commenting: .OBER HAS there wasn t (December 19, 1939; Life in Letters, p.DECIDED NOT TO BACK ME THOUGH I 427; Scott/Max, p.260).PAID BACK EVERY PENNY AND EIGHT Although he had asked Perkins to recommendTHOUSAND COMMISSION.PLEASE DO other agents, Fitzgerald began to act as his ownNOT ASK OBERS COOPERATION (Life in Let- agent; Ober handled the business for Fitzgerald sters, p
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