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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.Trips end and traps can be avoided.One should watch the play until itbecomes clear that the one who feels disgusted does not exist and holdspower only if regarded as real.When we recognize our confident Self asthe true reality, we can accept the necessity of training the ego and mindin order to maintain that confidence.Strict disciplines are a great help, such as food fasting, diet fasting,sleep fasting, and speech fasting.They also purify the body chemistryand the senses.Whenever one feels dissatisfied, one should immediately108 T H E N I N E RASASstart food fasting.No matter what chemical build-up is in the body, thefeeling will disappear within two days of fasting.Confidence gives us control over all Rasas, and Vibhatsa is no excep-tion.And we should always remember that the exercise of Shringara isneeded to remove the hurt from the ego.Life must be enjoyed.Overcon-fidence is, however, to be avoided, as new Vibhatsa can thus be createdthe moment one crashes into new failures, which are a natural attributeof the path of karma.Sometimes in Disgust, people have become so discouraged, sounsure of themselves, that they really need support to slowly regainconfidence.Disgust SadhanaAs Disgust makes no sense at all, Disgust Sadhana is easy in the sensethat it is a very clear sadhana to perform.Disgusting thoughts, words,or actions are simply not allowed.It may be difficult for people who areoften depressed or dissatisfied to imagine, but Disgust Sadhana is reallythe easiest sadhana to undertake.The moment one mentally blocks anydeveloping Vibhatsa, it stands no chance.On the other hand, modern society is very tolerant toward disgustingexpressions, such as in language (take the f-word).When doing VibhatsaSadhana one will need to taste every word and deed in relation to itsproper quality and not simply follow society's norms, which are tainted.The siddhi that results from doing Vibhatsa Sadhana is prakam, thepower to assume any form, to be whatever you desire.Mahakala: The Deity of DisgustMahakala is a form of Shiva.He is husband to Kali and both are destroy-ers of imbalance.Mahakala is the lord of time and death and is oftenshown in Tibetan tankas as the wheel of time.Time is measured in deathonly, because for eternal beings time has no meaning.Mahakala remindsus that nothing in maya lasts forever, Disgust included.Vibhatsa: Disgust 109Mahakala is the deity of the Vibhatsa Rasa, sent to us as a purifyingpunishment for our mistakes, our deviations from dharma.The feelingthat something is not right and we are not doing the right things forcesus toward change and our rightful dharma.Therefore, Mahakala is alsoa symbol of natural justice.VIBHATSA RASA SUMMARYBasic RasaDisgustSub-RasasDepression, Dissatisfaction, VulgarityDominant ElementWaterDominant DoshaKaphaDominant GunaTamasDominant KoshaMind (Manomaya Kosha)Friendly RasasWonder, Anger, CourageEnemy RasasLoveNeutral RasasJoy, Sadness, Fear, CalmnessRasa ProducedFearKey for MasteringIgnore it and stop negative identification, whileturning to purificationSiddhiPrakam (power to assume any form)DeityMahakalaPART T H R E EW o r k i n gwithOur Rasas14M a s t e r i n g E m o t i o n sTrue emotional freedom requirescontrol over the Rasas.The Great TabooMany people in modern society believe that emotions should be largelyignored and suppressed, while others think that everybody should beable to freely express their emotions.Both sides in this debate in factuphold a taboo on mastering emotions, either by ignoring them or byidentifying with them too much.When we ignore unhappy feelings we miss an opportunity to changethem.Ignoring or suppressing happy feelings is a waste of vitality.Ignor-ing emotions simply does not work, because they come and go anyway.A baby may not know which side is up or down, but it is born withLove and Sadness, Joy and Anger.Any parent can confirm that.Livinglife without emotions is empty.The attitude that ignores emotions infact originates within an emotion itself: the Fear of letting go of mentaldefenses, the Fear of being absorbed by an unpleasant mood, the Fear oflosing a pleasant mood.Those fears can be controlled.Emotional "freedom fighters" are reacting against the real problemscaused by too much suppression of emotions.However, we should be112Mastering Emotions 113grateful that people do not always freely express their emotions.Angerusually generates more Anger and that kind of interaction often leadsto violence.And if we have the courage to look deeply inside, we mustcome to the conclusion that it is hard to even think about some verypersonal emotions.To communicate them to others in a valuable wayrequires a specific audience at a specific time and place.But some peace in society is not the only reason why masteringemotions is important.In most cases, Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Disgustmake no sense and Love, Joy, Wonder, Courage, or Calmness make alot of sense.Identification with less agreeable emotions will only makethem stronger.If something is displeasing, getting upset about it onlymakes it a lot worse
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