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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.Friesen (PaloAlto: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1978), is a self-instructional packagecontaining a manual, illustrative photographs and films, and computer pro-grams that teaches the reader how to describe or measure any expression.5.See E.A.Haggard and K.S.Isaacs, "Micromomentary Facial Expressions,"in Methods of Research in Psychotherapy, ed.L.A.Gottschalk and A.H.Auer-bach (New York: Appleton Century Crofts, 1966).Reference Notes3456.Unmasking the Face, Paul Ekman and Wallace V.Friesen (Palo Alto: Consult-ing Psychologists Press, 1984), provides the pictures and instructions on howto acquire this skill.7.Friesen and I developed a Requested Facial Action Test, which explores howwell someone can deliberately move each muscle and also pose emotion.Seeby Paul Ekman, Gowen Roper, and Joseph C.Hager, "Deliberate FacialMovement," Child Development 51 (1980): 886-91 for results on children.8.Column by William Safire, "Undetermined," in the San Francisco Chronicle,June 28, 1983.9."Anwar Sadat in his own words," in the San Francisco Examiner, October 11,1981.10.Ezer Weizman, The Battle for Peace (New York: Bantam, 1981), p.165.11.Margaret Mead, Soviet Attitudes toward Authority (New York: McGraw-Hill,1951), pp.65-66.As cited by Erving Goffman, Strategic Interaction (Philadel-phia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1969), p.21.12.San Francisco Chronicle, January 11, 1982.13.Harold Sackeim, Ruben C.Gur, and Marcel C.Saucy, "Emotions Are Ex-pressed More Intensely on the Left Side of the Face," Science 202 (1978): 434.14.See Paul Ekman, "Asymmetry in Facial Expression," and Sackeim's rebuttalin Science 209 (1980): 833-36.15.Paul Ekman, Joseph C.Hager, and Wallace V.Friesen, "The Symmetry ofEmotional and Deliberate Facial Actions," Psychophysiology 18/2 (1981): 101-6.16.Joseph C.Hager and Paul Ekman, "Different Asymmetries of Facial Muscu-lar Actions," Psychophysiology, in press.17.I am grateful to Ronald van Gelder for his help in this unpublished study.18.San Francisco Chronicle, June 14, 1982.19.See Paul Ekman and Joseph C.Hager, "Long Distance Transmission ofFacial Affect Signals," Ethology and Sociohiology 1 (1979): 77-82.20.Paul Ekman, Wallace V.Friesen, and Sonia Ancoli, "Facial Signs of Emo-tional Experience," by Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39 (1980):1125-34.SIX " DANGERS AND PRECAUTIONS1.David M.Hayano, "Communicative Competence among Poker Players,"Journal of Communication 30(1980): 117.2.Ibid., p.115.3.William Shakespeare, Othello, act 5, scene 2.4.Richards J.Heuer, Jr., "Cognitive Factors in Deception and Counterdecep-tion," in Strategic Military Deception, ed.Donald C.Daniel and Katherine L.Herbig (New York: Pergamon Press, 1982), p.59.5.Ross Mullaney, "The Third Way The Interroview," unpublished mimeo-graph, 1979.6.Schopenhauer, "Our Relation to Others," in The Works of Schopenhauer, ed.Will Durant (Garden City, New Jersey: Garden City Publishing Company,1933).7.See Lykken's book Tremor in the Blood (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981) fora full description of how to use the Guilty Knowledge Technique with thepolygraph in criminal interrogations.Reference Notes3468.Scientific Validity of Polygraph Testing: A Research Review and Evaluation ATechnical Memorandum (Washington D.C.: U.S.Congress, Office of Technol-ogy Assessment, OTA-TM-H-15, November 1983).SEVEN " THE POLYGRAPH AS LIE CATCHER1.Richard O.Arther, "How Many Robbers, Burglars, Sex Criminals Is YourDepartment Hiring This Year?? (Hopefully, Just 10% of Those Employed!),"Journal of Polygraph Studies 6 (May-June 1972), unpaged.2.David T.Lykken, "Polygraphic Interrogation," Nature, February 23, 1984,pp.681-84.3.Leonard Saxe, personal communication.4.Most of my figures on the use of the polygraph come from Scientific Validityof Polygraph Testing: A Research Review and Evaluation A Technical Memorandum(Washington, D.C.: U.S.Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, OTA-TM-H-15, November 1983).Essentially the same report will appear as anarticle entitled "The Validity of Polygraph Testing," by Leonard Saxe, De-nise Dougherty, and Theodore Cross, in American Psychologist, January 1984.5.David C.Raskin, "The Truth about Lie Detectors," The Wharton Magazine,Fall 1980, p.29.6.Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) report, p.31.7.Benjamin Kleinmuntz and Julian J.Szucko, "On the Fallibility of Lie Detec-tion," Law and Society Review 17 (1982): 91.8.Statement of Richard K.Willard, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, U.S.Department of Justice, before the Legislation and National Security Commit-tee of the Committee on Government Operations, U.S.House of Representa-tives, October 19, 1983, mimeograph, p.22.9.OTA report, p.29.10.The OTA was created in 1972 as an analytical arm of Congress.The reporton the polygraph is available by writing to the Superintendent of Documents,U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.20402.11.Marcia Garwood and Norman Ansley, The Accuracy and Utility of PolygraphTesting, Department of Defense, 1983, unpaged.12.David C.Raskin, "The Scientific Basis of Polygraph Techniques and TheirUses in the Judicial Process, in Reconstructing the Past: The Role of Psychologistsin Criminal Trials, ed.A.Trankell (Stockholm: Norstedt and Soners, 1982), p.325.13.David T.Lykken, A Tremor in the Blood, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981), p.118.14.David T.Lykken, personal communication.15.Lykken, Tremor in the Blood, p.251.16.Raskin, "Scientific Basis," p.341.17.OTA report, p.50.18.Raskin, "Scientific Basis," p.330.19.Avital Ginton, Netzer Daie, Eitan Elaad, and Gershon Ben-Shakhar, "AMethod for Evaluating the Use of the Polygraph in a Real-Life Situation,"Journal of Applied Psychology 67 (1982): 132.20.OTA report, p.132.21.Ginton et al., "Method for Evaluating," p.136.Reference Notes34722.Jack Anderson, San Francisco Chronicle, May 21, 1984.23.OTA report, p.102.24.Statement by David C.Raskin at hearings on S.1845 held by the Subcommit-tee on the Constitution, United States Senate, September 19, 1978, p.14.25.OTA report, pp.75-76.26.Raskin, Statement, p.17.27.Lykken, Tremor in the Blood, chap.15.28.Gordon H.Barland, "A Survey of the Effect of the Polygraph in ScreeningUtah Job Applicants: Preliminary Results," Polygraph 6 (December 1977), p.321.29.Ibid.30.Raskin, Statement, p.21.31.Arther, "How Many," unpaged.32.Ibid.33.Garwood and Ansley, Accuracy and Utility, unpaged.34.OTA report, p.100.35.Daniel Rapoport, "To Tell the Truth," The Washingtonian, February 1984, p.80.36.Willard, ibid., p.36.37.Lykken, "Polygraphic Interrogation," p.?.38.OTA report, pp.109-110.39.OTA report, p.99.40.Willard, Statement, p.17.41.Ginton et al., "Method for Evaluating." Also, John A.Podlesny and DavidC.Raskin, "Effectiveness of Techniques and Physiological Measures in theDetection of Deception," Psychophysiology 15 (1978): pp.344-59 and Frank S.Horvath, "Verbal and Nonverbal Clues to Truth and Deception DuringPolygraph Examinations," Journal of Police Science and Administration, 1 (1973):138-52.42.David C.Raskin and John C.Kircher, "Accuracy of Diagnosing Truth andDeception from Behavioral Observation and Polygraph Recordings," ms.inpreparation.EIGHT " LIE CHECKING1.Randall Rothenberg, "Bagging the Big Shot," San Francisco Chronicle, January3, 1983, pp.12-15.2.Ibid.3.Ibid.4.Agness Hankiss, "Games Con Men Play: The Semiosis of Deceptive Interac-tion," Journal of Communication 3 (1980): pp.104-112.5.Donald C.Daniel and Katherine L.Herbig, "Propositions on Military Decep-tion," in Strategic Military Deception, ed.Daniel & Herbig (New York: Perga-mon Press, 1982) p.17.6.I am indebted for this example to John Phelan's fascinating account in chap-ter 6 of his book Scandals, Scamps and Scoundrels (New York: Random House,1982), p.114.I have only reported part of the story
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