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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.Making the correct entries and deletions for install and uninstall is a complex task.It is possible to install only as much of the BDE as an application actually needs.Forinstance, if an application only uses Paradox tables, it is only necessary to install thatportion of the BDE required to access Paradox tables.This reduces the disk spaceneeded for an application.Certified installation programs, like InstallShield Express,are capable of performing partial BDE installations.Be sure to leave BDE system filesthat are not used by the deployed application, but that are needed by otherprograms.SQL LinksSQL Links provides the drivers that connect an application (through the BorlandDatabase Engine) with the client software for an SQL database.See the DEPLOYdocument for specific rights and limitations on redistributing SQL Links.As is thecase with the Borland Database Engine (BDE), SQL Links must be deployed usingInstallShield Express (or other certified installation program).Note SQL Links only connects the BDE to the client software, not to the SQL databaseitself.It is still necessary to install the client software for the SQL database system13-8 Devel oper s Gui deDe p l o y i n g We b a p p l i c a t i o n sused.See the documentation for the SQL database system or consult the vendor thatsupplies it for more information on installing and configuring client software.Table 13.5 shows the names of the driver and configuration files SQL Links uses toconnect to the different SQL database systems.These files come with SQL Links andare redistributable in accordance with the Delphi license agreement.Table 13.5 SQL database client software filesVendor Redistributable filesOracle 7 SQLORA32.DLL and SQL_ORA.CNFOracle8 SQLORA8.DLL and SQL_ORA8.CNFSybase Db-Lib SQLSYB32.DLL and SQL_SYB.CNFSybase Ct-Lib SQLSSC32.DLL and SQL_SSC.CNFMicrosoft SQL Server SQLMSS32.DLL and SQL_MSS.CNFInformix 7 SQLINF32.DLL and SQL_INF.CNFInformix 9 SQLINF9.DLL and SQL_INF9.CNFDB/2 SQLDB232.DLL and SQL_DB2.CNFInterBase SQLINT32.DLL and SQL_INT.CNFInstall SQL Links using InstallShield Express or other certified installation program.For specific information concerning the installation and configuration of SQL Links,see the help file SQLLNK32.HLP, by default installed into the main BDE directory.Deploying multi-tiered database applications (DataSnap)DataSnap provides multi-tier database capability to Delphi applications by allowingclient applications to connect to providers in an application server.Install DataSnap along with a multi-tier application using InstallShield Express (orother Borland-certified installation scripting utility).See the DEPLOY document(found in the main Delphi directory) for details on the files that need to beredistributed with an application.Also see the REMOTE document for relatedinformation on what DataSnap files can be redistributed and how.Deploying Web applicationsSome Delphi applications are designed to be run over the World Wide Web, such asthose in the form of Server-side Extension DLLs (ISAPI and Apache), CGIapplications, and ActiveForms.The steps for deploying Web applications are the same as those for generalapplications, except the application s files are deployed on the Web server.Forinformation on installing general applications, see Deploying general applicationson page 13-1.For information on deploying database Web applications, see Deploying database applications on page 13-6.Depl oy i ng appl i c at i ons 13-9De p l o y i n g We b a p p l i c a t i o n sHere are some special considerations for deploying Web applications:" For BDE database applications, the Borland Database Engine (or alternatedatabase engine) is installed with the application files on the Web server." For dbExpress applications, the dbExpress DLLs must be included in the path.Ifincluded, the dbExpress driver is installed with the application files on the Webserver." Security for the directories should be set so that the application can access allneeded database files." The directory containing an application must have read and execute attributes." The application should not use hard-coded paths for accessing database or otherfiles." The location of an ActiveX control is indicated by the CODEBASE parameter ofthe HTML tag.Deployment on Apache is described in the next section.Deployment on ApacheWebBroker supports Apache version 1.3.9 and later for DLLs and CGI applications.Apache is configured by files in the conf directory.If creating Apache DLLs, you need to be sure to set appropriate directives in theApache server configuration file, called httpd.conf.The DLL should be physicallylocated in the Modules subdirectory of the Apache software.If creating CGI applications, the physical directory (specified in the Directorydirective of the httpd.conf file) must have the ExecCGI option set to allow executionof programs so the CGI script can be executed.To ensure that permissions are set upproperly, you need to either use the ScriptAlias directive or set Options ExecCGI toon.The ScriptAlias directive creates a virtual directory on your server and marks thetarget directory as containing CGI scripts.For example, you could add the followingline to your httpd.conf file:ScriptAlias /cgi-bin c:\inetpub\cgi-binThis would cause requests such as /cgi-bin/mycgi to be satisfied by running thescript c:\inetpub\cgi-bin\mycgi.You can also set Options to All or to ExecCGI using the Directory directive inhttpd.conf.The Options directive controls which server features are available in aparticular directory.Directory directives are used to enclose a set of directives thatapply to the named directory and its subdirectories
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