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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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." target Specifies the name of the target window to load the page into.For example, the following HTML snippet creates the link Go home, which openswww.macromedia.com in a new browser window.Go homeYou can also define a:link, a:hover, and a:active styles for anchor tags by using style sheets.See Styling built-in HTML tags on page 143.Bold tag ()The tag renders text as bold.A bold typeface must be available for the font used to displaythe text.This is bold text.Break tag ()The tag creates a line break in the text field, as shown in this example:One line of textAnother line of textFont tag ()The tag specifies a font or list of fonts to display the text.The font tag supports the following attributes:" color Only hexadecimal color (#FFFFFF) values are supported.For example, the followingHTML code creates red text.This is red text" face Specifies the name of the font to use.You can also specify a list of comma-separatedfont names, in which case Flash Player chooses the first available font.If the specified font isnot installed on the playback system, or isn t embedded in the SWF file, then Flash Playerchooses a substitute font.Example:This is either Times or Times NewRoman.For more information on embedding fonts in Flash applications, see TextField.embedFontson page 687 and Setting dynamic and input text options in Using Flash Help." size Specifies the size of the font, in pixels.You can also use relative point sizes (+2 or -4).This is green, 24-point text148 Chapter 8: Working with TextImage tag ()The tag lets you embed external JPEG files, SWF files, and movie clips inside text fields.Text automatically flows around images you embed in text fields.This tag is supported only indynamic and input text fields that are multiline and wrap their text.To create a multiline text field with word wrapping, do one of the following:" In the Flash authoring environment, select a text field on the Stage and then, in the Propertyinspector, select Multiline from the Text Type pop-up menu." For a text field created at runtime with MovieClip.createTextField(), set the new text fieldinstance s TextField.multiline and TextField.wordWrap properties to true.The tag has one required attribute, src, which specifies the path to a JPEG file, a SWF file,or the linkage identifier of a movie clip symbol.All other attributes are optional.The tags supports the following attributes:" src Specifies the URL to a JPEG or SWF file, or the linkage identifier for a movie clipsymbol in the library.This attribute is required; all other attributes are optional.External files(JPEG and SWF files) are not displayed until they have downloaded completely.Note: Flash Player does not support progressive JPEG files." id Specifies the name for the movie clip instance (created by Flash Player) that contains theembedded JPEG file, SWF file, or movie clip.This is useful if you want to control theembedded content with ActionScript." width The width of the image, SWF file, or movie clip, in pixels." height The height of the image, SWF file, or movie clip being inserted, in pixels." align Specifies the horizontal alignment of the embedded image within the text field.Validvalue are left and right.The default value is left." hspace Specifies the amount of horizontal space that surrounds the image where no text willappear.The default value is 8." vspace Specifies the amount of vertical space that surrounds the image where no text willappear.The default value is 8.For more information and examples of using the tag, see Embedding images, SWF files,and movie clips in text fields on page 152.Italic tag ()The tag displays the tagged text in italics.An italic typeface must be available for thefont used.That is very interesting.The above code would render as follows:That is very interesting.Using HTML-formatted text 149List item tag ()The tag places a bullet in front of the text that it encloses.Grocery list:ApplesOrangesLemonsThe above code would render as follows:Grocery list: % Apples % Oranges % LemonsParagraph tag ()The tag creates a new paragraph.It supports the following attributes:" align Specifies alignment of text within the paragraph; valid values are left, right,and center." class Specifies a CSS style class defined by an TextField.StyleSheet object.(For moreinformation, see Using style classes on page 143.)The following example uses the align attribute to align text on the right side of a text field.textField.htmlText = "This text is aligned on the rightside of the text field";The following example uses the class attribute to assign a text style class to a tag.var myStyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet();myStyleSheet.secreateTextField("test", 10, 0,0, 300,100);createTextField("test", 10, 0,0, 300,100);test.styleSheet = myStyleSheet;test.htmlText = "This is some body-styled text.";Span tag ()The tag is available only for use with CSS text styles.(For more information, see Formatting text with Cascading Style Sheets on page 139
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