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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.We have been "on the verge orcancer.This is true of a wide range of research projects.great breakthrough" for decades!For example, the excitement over the possibility of BCGacting as an anti-cancer agent is in conformity with the fact that161A NEW DIMENSION OF MURDER160 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part Oneunfortunately, have no inkling of the significance of their discov-the white blood cells are a front-line defense mechanism againsteries.Some of them, however, eventually do begin to grasp thecancer, as theorized by Dr.John Beard almost a century ago.picture.Dr.Bruce Halstead, for instance, Director and founder ofDr.Robert Good, former president of the Sloan-Ketterinethe World Life Research Institute of Colton, California, travelledInstitute, while previously serving as chairman of the Pathologyto the Soviet Union and discovered that scientists there wereDepartment of the University of Minnesota, discovered thataltering the protein content of the diet in mice appears to have an studying natural non-toxic compounds as early as the 1960s andeffect on increasing their resistance to cancer.He said: "The work appeared to be way ahead of the United States in this field.Heraises questions about the role of diet in human cancer."(1) spoke glowingly of one such compound called EleuterococcusHis studies were sparked after observing that the aborigines which, from his description, sounds suspiciously like pangamicof Australia consumed a low protein diet and showed an excel-acid or vitamin B15 discovered by Dr.Krebs.lent immunity to cancer.The good Doctor Good was on the rightAt any rate, Dr.Halstead was unsuccessful in getting the FDAtrack, but it was a track he never followed.A low-protein dietto approve experimentation with this compound.He complained:cannot be patented.I've tried everywhere.I can't get any pharmaceutical companyDr.J.N.Davis, Professor of Pathology at Albany Medicalto support it because of the FDA's regulations which are forCollege, also stumbled across a part of the solution when hespecifics.This is where the whole field of medicine is in conflict.noticed that there was a staggering increase in cancer of theDr.Halstead also was on the right track, which undoubtedlyesophagus in Kenya, Africa, in recent years, while there wasis why he ran up against a stone wall of resistance from thepractically none in neighboring Uganda.He noticed, also, thatMedical and Political Establishment.After noting that Congressthere appears to be some kind of relationship between cancer ofhad just authorized 1.6 billion dollars for cancer research, he saidthe colon and diet.He asked, "Why should there be a lowthat, in his opinion, it would not produce results because it allincidence of colon cancer in poor countries where food is scanty?"would be spent for research into exotic and toxic artificial drugsFor those familiar with the traditionally high nitrilosiderather than in the investigation of natural non-toxic compounds.content of unrefined foods in poor countries, the answer isThen he added:obvious.If Dr.Davis keeps asking the right questions, sooner orI predict that cures for cancer can be expected out of the naturallater he is bound to find the right answers.And then he will haveproducts field.Someday we'll discover that some native populationthe whole medical establishment to fight.In the meantime, he hashad the cancer cure product and was using it.They may not havecome to the conclusion that the reason for the difference may bebeen using it intentionally for this reason, but we'll find out thatfound in the types of beer drunk in these two countries whichthey were using it, and the results were bona fide.may not be too far off, for the different beers are made out ofI believe that if we could really do a thorough study of all thedifferent grains such as maize, sorghum, and millet, all of whichnatural occurring materials used by primitive tribes on a worldhave varying concentrations of vitamin B17.(2) But as long as Dr
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