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Do celu tam się wysiada. Lec Stanisław Jerzy (pierw. de Tusch-Letz, 1909-1966)
A bogowie grają w kości i nie pytają wcale czy chcesz przyłączyć się do gry (. . . ) Bogowie kpią sobie z twojego poukładanego życia (. . . ) nie przejmują się zbytnio ani naszymi planami na przyszłość ani oczekiwaniami. Gdzieś we wszechświecie rzucają kości i przypadkiem wypada twoja kolej. I odtąd zwyciężyć lub przegrać - to tylko kwestia szczęścia. Borys Pasternak
Idąc po kurzych jajach nie podskakuj. Przysłowie szkockie
I Herkules nie poradzi przeciwko wielu.
Dialog półinteligentów równa się monologowi ćwierćinteligenta. Stanisław Jerzy Lec (pierw. de Tusch - Letz, 1909-1966)
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.See also355n291, 362n6; in Mexico, 31, child health and welfare; maternal205, 212 14, 213f; RF fellowships, 2, and child health9, 11, 29, 30 31, 105, 196 204, Puerto México.See health unit in200f, 203t, 233, 239, 245t, 258t, Minatitlán-Puerto México; health272, 289 93t, 347n112, 348n126, units355n291, 362n117; RF and Puerto Rico, 8, 19, 27, 73, 121, 330n19founding of graduate public health purgatives.See hookwormeducation, 29, 197, 307n67; RFspending in Mexico on, 202, 207, quarantine and isolation, 5, 6, 43, 45,210, 244 45t, 258t; RF tours to 48, 53, 150.See also epidemics;US/Canada by DSP officials, international health; public healthg'428 i ndexg'Querétaro, 40, 139, 146, 173 242, 250, 265; motto and mission, 2,Quintana Roo, 53, 252 9, 10, 20, 238, 240; and oilnationalization, 224 25, 227;rabies, 44, 46, 133 organization of, 9, 10 11, 21, 29 30,railroads, 17, 36, 37, 39 306n59; principles of internationalRajchman, Ludwik, 268, 274 health, 269 73, 270t; andRead, Florence, 79 80 relationship with Mexico, vi, 1 4, 10,Red Cross, 48, 50, 211 11 12, 15 16, 47 48, 51 53, 59 60,Reed, Walter, 27 95 96, 108 9, 113, 115 18, 125,research.See hookworm; malaria; 172 74, 175, 179, 180 81, 196, 224,physicians; public health in Mexico; 232 33, 235, 237 38, 239 41,RF; yellow fever 242 43, 250, 257, 259 61, 263,respiratory diseases, 38, 41, 100, 190.267 68; and Rockefeller businessSee also tuberculosis interests, 20, 21, 222, 225; andRevista Médica Veracruzana, 75 scientific philanthropy, 17 18, 238;Rivera, Diego, 232, 234, 235f, 237 38 support for science and medicine, 18,robber barons, 17 21, 23, 25, 28, 241, 246; trustees andRockefeller Center, 234, 235f, board, 9, 15, 20, 21, 33; and US237 38 foreign policy, 15, 24, 25, 32, 33 34,Rockefeller family, 15, 21, 22, 234, 235, 48, 105, 198, 226, 246 47, 259; and238, 322n35 US State Department, 24, 33 34,Rockefeller Foundation (RF), 9 11, 50 51, 246, 252, 263.See also China15 16; accountability, 9, 33, 261, Medical Board; DSP; General272, 281; administrators and Education Board; Harrar; healthmanagers, 10, 15, 22; budget and units; hookworm campaign infinances, 18, 20 21, 128, 242; Mexico; IHB; IHD; internationalCárdenas and Six-Year Plan, reaction health; International Healthto, 179 81, 183; comparisons of Commission; International EducationMexico and Brazil, 104, 186, 198, Board; Mexican Agricultural259; comparisons of Mexico and US Program; Mason; philanthropy;South/rural regions, 3, 121, 140, public health education; Rockefeller,161, 168, 185, 189, 259; comparisons Jr.; Rose; Russell, Frederick; Sawyer;of Mexico and USSR, 3, 52, 58, 232, schools of public health; Strode;323n61; criticism of in US, 19, 23; Vincent; yellow fever campaign inentry to Mexico, 13, 15, 16, 47 48, Mexico; Yellow Fever Commission50 52; evaluation/ reception of, Rockefeller Foundation Division of10 12, 51, 112, 132, 168, 299n22; Medical Education, 21, 30, 214 15,founding of, 9, 17 18, 20 23; 306n59; surveys of Latin Americangoals/philosophy/values, 9 10, medical schools 30, 214.See also25 26, 33, 115, 124, 143, 261, Gregg; Lambert; medical education;272 73, 270t, 365n52; international Pearcereach and strategy, 2, 9, 21, 26, 28, Rockefeller Foundation Division of30 31, 32, 33 34, 150, 197 98, Medicine and Public Health, 30, 66,267 68; and Latin America and the 249, 306n59Caribbean, 2 3, 21, 24, 30 31, 48, Rockefeller Foundation International50, 249, 258t, 259, 307n70; model of Health Board.See Internationalpublic health, 2, 9, 10, 13 14, 16, Health Boardi ndex 429Rockefeller Foundation International 355n291; visits to/views of Mexico,Health Division.See International vi, 75, 93, 94 96, 102, 103, 105,Health Division 200, 241; and Warren 81, 87, 91,Rockefeller Institute for Medical 94 95, 103, 105, 107, 251.See alsoResearch, 18, 232 IHB; IHD; RFRockefeller, John D.Jr., 18, 21, 23, 234, Russell, Paul, 273235f Russia.See USSRRockefeller, John D.Sr., 17 18, 21, 26,240, 302n4; biography, 17, 238; San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracruz, 83 84,business interests, 17, 20, 22, 225, 97 98316n198; and Cárdenas compared, Sánchez, Guadalupe, 69, 73 74238 39; plaque honoring in Mexico, Sand, René, 274194 95, 235, 236f, 237, 238.See also Sanitary Codes, 12; Mexico (1891), 38,oil; RF 43, 44; Mexico (1902), 118; MexicoRockefeller, Nelson, 228, 234, 243.See (1926), 12, 100, 119 20, 127, 141;also Rivera; US Department of State Mexico (1934), 144, 173, 190; PASBRockefeller Sanitary Commission for (1924), 8, 119the Eradication of Hookworm, sanitary units.See health units18 20, 29, 83, 97, 197, 303n11.See sanitation, 19, 25, 26, 28, 38, 41, 42,also Gates, Frederick; Rockefeller Sr.; 44, 45, 46, 49 50, 55, 59, 117, 121,Rose; Stiles 133, 142, 143, 150, 178, 190,Rodríguez, Abelardo, 127 195 96, 204, 219, 226, 230, 243,Rodríguez, José María, 46, 47f, 50, 51, 246, 278.See also hookworm; public118 health; public health in MexicoRoosevelt, Franklin D, 204, 34, 176, São Paulo.See medical education;226, 242, 243.See also Good schools of public healthNeighbor policy; oil; US Sardinia, Italy, 27, 254Department of State Sawyer, Wilbur, 22, 130, 252, 272,Rose, Wickliffe, 21, 22, 23f, 332n53; 355n287biography, 22; and IHB, 24 26, schoolchildren/school health, 44, 86f,27 28, 128; and Mexico, 48, 50, 51, 133, 155, 158, 335n 134, 338n175.64; public health education, 29, See also DSP; health units;197 98, 214; role of hookworm, hookworm; public health25 26, 113, 266; and Rockefeller schools of public health, 9, 29 30, 204;Sanitary Commission, 18 19; and in Europe, 31; Johns Hopkins, 1,yellow fever, 27 28 29 30, 124, 137, 142, 145, 197, 198,Rosenau, Milton, 202 199, 204, 211, 232, 289 93t, 330n19,Rotary International, 280 347n106, 362n6; Harvard, 29 30,rural health.See DSP; health units; IHB; 197, 198, 289 93t; in Latin America,IHD; LNHO; RF 31; Mexican School of Public Health,Russell, Frederick, 65f, 168; biography, 67, 202, 212 14, 228, 232, 247 48;22; and Carr, 70 71, 73, 106 7, 123; in North America, 29; and RF, 29 31;cooperative health units, 123; University of São Paulo, 31; Universityhookworm campaign, 64, 70 71, 87, of Toronto, 29, 204.See also public91, 95, 106 7, 109; IHD orientation, health education; RF; Rose128 29; learning from Mexico, 64, Secretaría de Educación Pública.See115; and RF fellowships, 199, Vasconcelosg'430 i ndexg'Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia 107, 326n160.See also hookworm(Secretariat of Health and Welfare, campaign in MexicoSSA), 10, 108, 247 48 Sonora, 51, 194sewage.See sanitation Soper, Frederick, 27, 273 74, 276,sharecroppers, tenant, 16, 37, 40.See 363n14.See also IHD; malaria; PASB;also peasants; Mexico RF; yellow fever; WHOSheffield, James, 33 34 Soviet Union.See USSRSheppard-Towner Act, 152, 336n149.Spain, 121, 136, 202; colonialism inSee also maternal and child health; Mexico, 6, 35 36, 37, 40, 41 42,women 178; Spanish American War, 8;shoe-wearing.See hookworm; Spanish Civil War, 179.See alsohookworm campaign in Mexico colonialism and international healthSilva, Rafael, 49f, 138f, 140, 141f, 142, Special Commission for the Yellow143, 146, 149, 258.See also Fever Campaign.See yellow feverBustamante; DSP campaign in MexicoSiurob, José: biography, 181; and DSP Sri Lanka.See Ceylonpriorities/image, 181 83, 187, 193f, Stalin, Joseph, 177210, 216, 345n76, 345n77; and `tampar, Andrija, 274RF/IHD, 186, 188f, 203, 228, 236f, Standard Oil.See oil; RF; Rockefeller Sr.237, 252, 263; RF tour to North Stepan, Nancy, 154America, 204 5
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